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This is an extension of Mario Carbone’s New York restaurant and is run by the chef’s cousin, Louie Carbone. The clubby, leather and brass-decked retro dining room looks like something straight out of The Godfather, with waiters dressed in pressed tuxedos. Decorating the walls is an array of snazzy and eye-catching contemporary art collected for the restaurant by curator Vito Schnabel. Enjoy it and your veal parmesan and meatballs.



9/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong Island


phone-handset   +852 2593 2593

phone-handset   +852 2593 2593

Map view

  • 9/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong Island
Info Window Title
Chinese New Year special information (28 Jan – 2 Feb 2025)
  1. Major sightseeing attractions opening hours
  2. Public transportation
  3. Boundary-crossing services and immigration control points
  4. Special traffic and road closure arrangements 

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