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MCP CENTRAL & MCP DISCOVERY, the largest shopping mall in East Kowloon with 1.3 million sq ft, is located above MTR Po Lam Station. There are approximately 400 shops for shopping, entertainment and dining, including supermarkets and a cinema. It is a unique, family-oriented iconic destination with a one-stop shopping experience in the district.



MCP CENTRAL - 8 Yan King Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories / MCP DISCOVERY - 8 Mau Yip Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories


phone-handset   +852 3194 3200 (MCP CENTRAL) / +852 3194 6281 (MCP DISCOVERY)

Map view

  • MCP CENTRAL - 8 Yan King Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories / MCP DISCOVERY - 8 Mau Yip Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories
Info Window Title
Chinese New Year special information (28 Jan – 2 Feb 2025)
  1. Major sightseeing attractions opening hours
  2. Public transportation
  3. Boundary-crossing services and immigration control points
  4. Special traffic and road closure arrangements 

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