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Po Sang Yuen Bee Farm

Bee cultivation is a common activity among the farmers of North District, and Po San Yuen, Hong Kong’s first commercial bee farm, is over 90 years old. They produce made-in-Hong Kong artisanal products like honey from local longnan fruit flowers, comb honey, and bee pollen. While you can purchase their wares in Hong Kong supermarkets, it’s a treat (especially for children) to visit and tour the farm in person and learn more about this traditional practice in Hong Kong. Advance booking is needed to arrange the tours.



8 Wu Tip Shan Road, Fanling, New Territories


phone-handset   +852 2669 5840

phone-handset   +852 2669 5840

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  • 8 Wu Tip Shan Road, Fanling, New Territories
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