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Tai Wo Tang

This chic and beautiful cafe was established to preserve the memories of eclectic Kowloon City and pretty much looks like a snapshot of the past. Tai Wo Tang was actually a historic family business dispensing traditional Chinese medicine, and has been converted into a nostalgic coffee shop. Nestle yourself between a medicinal cabinet that is almost a century old, retro metal shutters, wooden benches, gold-painted store signage, and treat your sweet tooth to a homemade red date hawthorne cheesecake. A visit to Tai Wo Tang gives you an opportunity to glimpse into everyday life back in historic Hong Kong.



24 Nga Tsin Long Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon


phone-handset   +852 2623 2006

phone-handset   +852 2623 2006

Map view

  • 24 Nga Tsin Long Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon
Info Window Title
Chinese New Year special information (28 Jan – 2 Feb 2025)
  1. Major sightseeing attractions opening hours
  2. Public transportation
  3. Boundary-crossing services and immigration control points
  4. Special traffic and road closure arrangements 

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