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Savon Workshop

This fragrant shop is a great spot to visit if you want a momentary escape from the hustle and bustle of the rest of Sham Shui Po. The store sells handmade bars of soap crafted from a range of all-natural ingredients such as lavender, rose and coffee. If you have some extra time, consider signing up for one of the classes or private workshops, where you can learn how to make your own bars of soap at home. Classes are available in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.



191-193 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po


phone-handset   +852 2677 8173

phone-handset   +852 2677 8173

Map view

  • 191-193 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po
Info Window Title
Chinese New Year special information (28 Jan – 2 Feb 2025)
  1. Major sightseeing attractions opening hours
  2. Public transportation
  3. Boundary-crossing services and immigration control points
  4. Special traffic and road closure arrangements 

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