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Maafkan saya. Saya tidak mengerti.

Enjoy Hong Kong with Open Trip Package Start from IDR 4 Mio

Smailing Tour

Mari jelajahi Hong Kong lebih jauh bersama Smailing Tour.

Selama Anda berada di Hong Kong, kami akan mengajak Anda tur ke Central Pier 7, Man Mo Temple, Causeway Bay, Victoria Park, Peak Tram Station, dan Victoria Harbour. Kami juga akan dengan senang hati menunjukkan kepada Anda pemandangan Hong Kong.

Rincian Paket

Paket Termasuk

Sightseeing Highlights

  • Menghabiskan waktu untuk menjelajah Hong Kong
  • Melihat pemandangan indah Hong Kong dengan mengunjungi Central Pier 7, Man Mo Temple, Causeway Bay, Victoria Park, Victoria Harbor dan Peak Tram Station.

What's Included

  • 2 malam menginap di hotel pilihan berlaku 1 kamar untuk 2 orang.

(Hotel : Silka Tsuen Wan)

  • Tur dan transportasi private dengan fasilitas AC.
  • Sopir berbahasa Inggris
  • VAT 1.1%.

Your Itinerary

Hari 1

Selamat datang di Hong Kong! Saat kedatangan di Hong Kong, Anda akan dijemput dan diantarkan ke Hotel. Nikmati free time Anda!

Hari 2

Tour Big Bus akan membawa Anda sekitar Hong Kong dengan rute sebagai berikut: Central Pier 7, Man Mo Temple, Causway Bay, Victoria Park, Victoria Harbor, Peak.

Hari 3

Hari terakhir di Hong Kong. Mulailah pagi Anda dengan sarapan di hotel. Anda akan diantarkan ke airport dengan transfer privat. Semoga Anda menikmati Hong Kong!

Syarat & Ketentuan

Harga tidak termasuk:

  • International / Domestic Flight Tickets
  • Optional tour
  • Meals
  • Surcharge Weekend (Friday and Saturday)
  • Kebutuhan pribadi seperti minibar, laundry, additional tours, porter, excess baggage
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tipping guide

Notes :

  • Valid hanya untuk tamu domestic.
  • Tidak berlaku selama High Season / Peak Season / Long Weekend.
  • Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung ketersediaan.
  • Berlaku hingga 2024.

  1. Although prices are current at the time of listing, airlines, hotels and travel agents frequently change their prices as a result of fare increases and/or fare surcharges. Therefore, prices may differ when you book your travel or stay and are not guaranteed until full payment is received. Please check the most current prices. 
  2. The above information is compiled by the Hong Kong Tourism Board from materials submitted by the indicated airlines, hotels and travel agents. Hong Kong Tourism Board is not responsible for the information, claims and offers made. Please contact the airlines, hotels or the travel agents for booking and complete details, terms and conditions.

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