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Jelajahi Hong Kong Bersama Golden Rama

Golden Rama Tour & Travel

keunikan Hong Kong, kota dengan perpaduan wisata budaya, belanja dan kuliner yang sangat menarik.

Jadikan Golden Rama Tours & Travel Pintu Gerbang Anda Menuju Destinasi Yang Luar Biasa.

Rincian paket

Paket termasuk
  • 7D Favorite Hong Kong Shenzhen Macau + Window of The World & The Peak Sky Terrace 428, mulai dari IDR 12.888jt


  • 6D Favorite Hong Kong Shenzhen Macau + Window of The World & Disneyland, mulai dari IDR 13.888jt


  • 6D Supersale Hong Kong Macau Special Offer, mulai dari IDR 13.988jt


  • 7D Favorite Pearl River Delta + Window of The World & Victoria Peak Tram Ride, Mulai dari IDR 17.888jt

Dan masih banyak penawaran produk Hong Kong menarik lainnya.

Syarat & Ketentuan

Syarat & Ketentuan Berlaku.

Informasi lebih lanjut, segera hubungi Golden Rama Tours

GRETA 08151122133

  1. Although prices are current at the time of listing, airlines, hotels and travel agents frequently change their prices as a result of fare increases and/or fare surcharges. Therefore, prices may differ when you book your travel or stay and are not guaranteed until full payment is received. Please check the most current prices. 
  2. The above information is compiled by the Hong Kong Tourism Board from materials submitted by the indicated airlines, hotels and travel agents. Hong Kong Tourism Board is not responsible for the information, claims and offers made. Please contact the airlines, hotels or the travel agents for booking and complete details, terms and conditions.

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