Promoting a hospitable image and culture of excellent service

We invited 200 Mainland celebrities and key opinion leaders (KOLs) from different sectors to subtly promote Hong Kong’s hospitable image and diverse tourism appeal through their online platforms. To attract more visitors to Hong Kong, we partnered with Tencent to post positive stories and articles about Hong Kong across its digital platforms during major promotional windows.

We also collaborated with major media organisations and travel websites in the Mainland to conduct consumer education and step up promotion of Quality and Honest Hong Kong (Q&H) Tours especially in various cities in northeastern, northern and western China. In addition, we organised roadshows to increase consumer awareness of the Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme and help them identify and choose quality Hong Kong travel products.

  • Impressions for the KOL campaign during summer and winter bursts: over 500 million
  • Publicity value generated from partnerships with Tencent: over HK $20 million
  • Reach and value of QTS Scheme roadshows: 470,000 consumers, generating publicity value of HK$23 million