All rates are subject to change without prior notice.
Name & date change is not allowed for any confirmed booking.
Above rates are only avail for FIT bookings.
Surcharge for foreign passport holders - USD30/pax
All booking are under "BOOK & BUY" basis, any cancellation after confirmation will fully charge whole package.
Surcharge may apply for Friday and Saturday dates.
In order to avail the FREE DISNEYLAND TOUR or FREE OCEAN PARK , passenger must attend the half day city tour.
No refund for un-used rooms (early out or no show), tours, meals and transfer services.
Although prices are current at the time of listing, airlines, hotels and travel agents frequently change their prices as a result of fare increases and/or fare surcharges. Therefore, prices may differ when you book your travel or stay and are not guaranteed until full payment is received. Please check the most current prices.
The above information is compiled by the Hong Kong Tourism Board from materials submitted by the indicated airlines, hotels and travel agents. Hong Kong Tourism Board is not responsible for the information, claims and offers made. Please contact the airlines, hotels or the travel agents for booking and complete details, terms and conditions.
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